bsw sponsorship in Tanzania

By communication with the time2help e.V. association in Herrenberg we became attentive to their aid project in Tanzania. We quickly realized that we want to support this. In concrete terms, we want to secure the further life of a child through a sponsorship and thereby at the same time also the activities of the LWCC and the Yakini School. This is the reason why we decided that every company affiliated to us should support a child.

The Living Water Children's Center (LWCC)

The Living Water Children's Center was founded in 2003 by the Kimaro family. Today it is a loving home for over 100 children (4 to 14 years) from the worst of circumstances, regardless of religion, skin color or tribal affiliation. Many of these children are AIDS orphans, others have been neglected by their families, ostracized, mistreated or abused.

In Living Water, the word "orphan" is not used because all children belong to the Living Water family and and see each other as brothers and sisters. The children call Mr. and Mrs. Kimaro "Mom" and "Dad". Their sons are called "Uncle David" and "Uncle Walter". In addition, two other employed "Mamas" take care of the children, around the clock with great self-sacrifice to their little charges.

Living Water Children's Center is located in Ngulelo, 6 km east of Arusha. It is a charity registered with the Ministry of Interior of Tanzania, financed exclusively by donations. In Tanzania there is no state support for private orphanages!

Patenschaft in Tansania

The Yakini Primary School (Yakini Elementary School)

To pave good education for all children of the Living Water Children's Center, family Kimaro founded the Yakini Primary School (Yakini Elementary School) in 2008.

Within just a few years, the small elementary school has grown to a campus with round about 550 pupils by continuous expansion. Many of them are orphans, but children from the area also attend the school, so that the Living Water children (about 60 of the above 100 visit Yakini) are reintegrated into society regardless of their past.

The school follows the syllabus of the Ministry of Education in Tanzania. In addition, all children receive the best possible support in the English language. All subjects are taught in English only, with one exception: the subject of Swahili which is the national language. This kind of English education is usually reserved to expensive private schools in Tanzania. The children start their 7-year elementary school compared to their peers who come from public schools, their way to secondary school by a large margin. In the annual state examinations, the students are consistently outperforming. The Yakini School is proud of more than 20 engaged, devoted and caring teachers who make the most of the children.

Neema (9 years old)

Many Tanzanians are not born in hospitals, which is why they are often not officially registered. Especially with orphans, therefore, the information is often very sketchy. For dissemination at this point, we follow the philosophy of the LWCC, which, for legal and ethical reasons, treats certain information as confidential. Also only limited information from our new godchild Neema is known:

Neema was probably born in 2010. Information about parents or siblings are unknown. She comes from an area called Mbeya in southern Tanzania. When her parents died, there was no one to take care of her. The village head of her home village brought her to the Living Water Children Center in February 2015. There she first attended preschool and goes in the meantime in the third grade of Yakini Primary School and is doing quite well there. She is a happy and playful girl.