In a state-of-the-art electronics lab SMUs (Source Measure Units) have a fixed place because of their versatility and flexibility.
Historically SMUs were the workhorses for DC characterisations of semiconductor- and materialsciences. Today the uses are much wider. Constant development has increased the performance dramatically. Entry level units are available now at an affortable price. Various products cover current ranges from aA to kA and voltages from nV to kV. They help fostering new ideas and develop new technologies and will ultimately improve all our lifes
Available products range from stand-alone benchtop instruments ready-to-use with their own application oriented graphical user interface to components for rack-and-stack systems controlled by software running on an external PC.
Also please visit YouTube for more detailed information on our Bias-Tee and the HV-Haube. If you have a question don't hesitate to give us a call.