Power Device Analysis
B 1505A - Power Device Analyzer
The state-of-the-art instrument for the electrical characterisation of power semiconductors

Semiconductor manufacturers require precise data regarding the exact electrical characteristics of their components as a basis for further optimization.
Due to its modular design, the Keysight B1505A offers flexible customization options, so that the device may be used to test basically any technology. The options encompass a broad range of possibilities, from testing packaged components to on-wafer tests. This offering is enhanced by a range of services, based on the expertise of bsw AG, which cover training and consulting as well as turnkey solutions.
B1506A - Power Device Analyzer for Designers
The fastest way to reliable component data for circuit designers

Circuit designers need valid electrical characteristics of their components as the basis for optimal designs. The Keysight B1506A is versatile and easy-to-use. The "Easy Test Navigator" Software helps users to achieve quick results. With an optional Hotplate or Thermostream characteristics can even be measured at temperatures different to ambient.
Optional training and scalable consulting are additional factors for a fast and efficient start-up.