Contacting / Probe Stations

With SIGNATONE based in California we have an experienced and powerful partner for Probe Stations and contacting solutions ( With our own supplements and components, which we develop in-house in Sindelfingen, Germany, we are able to design complete solutions according to your specifications and configure sample stations tailored and optimised for your application. For this purpose we also supply the necessary accessories, such as coaxial or triaxial chucks up to 300 mm diameter, RF probes, measuring cables, coaxial and triaxial DC probes for lowest leakage currents or for very high voltages and currents. Our probe systems for RF applications are used up to the THz frequency range. Here we can offer comprehensive advice on the integration of mm wave modules and tuner systems on the Probe Station. In the field of parameter analysis, experience ranges from measurements in the fA range to systems for 20kV and 1500A pulse current.

In addition to consulting and sales, we offer commissioning and training for Probe Stations. If required, we can train your employees to enable them to quickly start using your system for the tasks at hand. If your tasks change over the years, we will support you with upgrades and conversions, such as the conversion of a manual sampler to a semi-automatic machine or the integration of modules, tuners, motorised manipulators and microscopes.

On our website you will find product information about the following probe systems:

  • Manual Probe Stations (series: 1160, Wavelink, CheckMate, MAPS)
  • Motorised Probe Stations (series: Wavelink and CheckMate)
  • Semi-automatic Probe Stations (series: Wavelink and CheckMate)

If you have any questions regarding this topic or if you need to perform a test that cannot be performed with typical standard devices, we can advise you by phone. In many cases, even for special applications such as the transport of graphene layers, we can help you find the right equipment.